Professional Development Program

S.E.A College of Engineering was organized 2 days program of professional development on 2 nd and 3rd march 2024 from 9:00am to 4:00pm in AC seminar Hall. The program was started by the inauguration session. The program was inaugurated by honourable principal Dr. B Venkata Narayana, Director Bhagavant K Deshpande, R and Dean Usha Desai mam, Fathima Asghar and Mr.Dilip Patel.

He Principal Dr.B Venkata Narayana, addressed about the speakers of the session Fathima Asghar (Wisdom Parent Coach, School Wellness Consultant & Founder - EvolveED & Awakened Learners' Hub) and Mr. Dilip Patel (Learning Facilitator-Trainer, Certified Zentangle Teacher, TEDx Speaker, Happiness Mindset Coach). Then they have divided the presented teaching staff into two groups, one group handled by Fathima Asghar and another group handled by Mr. Dilip Patel.

Day 1 Mr. Dilip patel Session The speaker Mr. Dilip Patel was started the session with asking a question who are you? Everyone has to write 20 answers of this question. Then he explained about Desires of a person, Phrases of teaching – Adyapika, Upadyaya, Acharya, Drusta, Guru, Pandith, and done a activities with the teaching faculty. The main purpose of this program is to improve the skill among the teaching faculties. It was well planned program and many faculties were actively participated in the session.

Executive Summary:This report outlines a comprehensive professional development program tailored specifically for engineering faculties. Recognizing the dynamic nature of the engineering field and the evolving demands placed on educators, this program aims to empower faculty members with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to excel in their roles. Through a combination of workshops, seminars, mentorship opportunities, and ongoing support mechanisms, this program strives to foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation within engineering faculties.

Introduction: Engineering faculties play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of engineers and driving advancements in the field. However, the rapid pace of technological innovation and the changing landscape of engineering education necessitate a proactive approach to professional development. This program is designed to address this need by offering a structured framework for faculty members to enhance their teaching effectiveness, research productivity, and professional growth

Program Components:

Pedagogical Workshops: Workshop sessions focused on effective teaching strategies, active learning techniques, assessment methods, and inclusive classroom practices. Integration of technology in teaching and learning, including the use of simulation tools, virtual labs, and online resources. Peer observation and feedback sessions to encourage reflective teaching practices and collaboration among faculty members.

Mentorship and Coaching: Pairing junior faculty members with experienced mentors to provide guidance, support, and professional development advice. Coaching sessions focused on career advancement, leadership skills, and work-life balance to promote overall well-being and job satisfaction. Establishing communities of practice within specific engineering disciplines to facilitate knowledge sharing and mentorship at various career stages.

Professional development programs tailored to industry needs, including workshops on emerging technologies, regulatory requirements, and industry trends. Continuous Support Mechanisms: Online resources, webinars, and virtual communities to provide ongoing support and professional development opportunities beyond traditional workshops and seminars. Access to institutional resources, teaching centers, and learning technologies to facilitate faculty members' continuous growth and development. Regular feedback mechanisms, surveys, and evaluation processes to assess the effectiveness of the program and tailor future initiatives to meet evolving needs.

Conclusion: In conclusion, this professional development program for engineering faculties offers a holistic approach to enhancing teaching effectiveness, research productivity, and professional growth. By providing faculty members with the necessary skills, knowledge, and support mechanisms, this program aims to empower them to excel in their roles as educators, researchers, and leaders in the field of engineering. Through ongoing collaboration, mentorship, and industry engagement, this program seeks to foster a culture of innovation, excellence, and continuous improvement within engineering faculties.This report serves as a blueprint for implementing a robust professional development program tailored to the unique needs and challenges faced by engineering faculties, ultimately contributing to the advancement of engineering education and the broader engineering profession.

Fathima AsgharOn 2nd and 3rd of March 2024 the SEA college of Engineering and Technology had organised two days Professional Development Programme. The Resource persons were Fathima Asghar and Dilip Patel.

Fathima Asghar: the resource person delivered a profound speech with regarding to the values one has to follow in order to develop in their personal as well as professional lives. She had conducted various Role plays, team tasks, and group discussions by segregating participants into teams. These teams were allowed to share their ideas, thoughts and insights in a productive manner. In the second session she conducted various games and allowed participants to involve in a great way. Similarly there was a group discussion regarding challenges faced by the participants in their personal and professional lives. A good career and personal counselling were given by Fathima Asghar to the participants to overcome their challenges. At the end of the session a valedictory function was organised by the SEA College Management and felicitated the resource persons. With vote of thanks the programme was concluded.

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