Industrial Visit to VOLVO Manufacturing Plant on July 11th 2024

The students of 3rd year CSE(IoT-CSBT) and IEEE Students Branch visited VOLVO Truck Assembly Plant, Hoskote, Bengaluru-562122 on 11/07/2024 as a part of Industrial visit study. This study visit to VOLVO Manufacturing Plant, was a great learning experience where our students gained the practical knowledge about the Volvo plant equipped advanced automotive electronic systems and upcoming sustainable technologies. This industrial visit to Volvo Hoskote manufacturing plant will greatly helps our students to gain the real-world exposure and enhance their learning experience by providing them with direct insight into the industry's operations, technologies, and best practices for sustainable ecosystem. This visit was coordinated by Dr. Usha Desai (Dean R&D), Dr. Cynthia A. (Dept of ECE) and Mrs. Ashmita Mahapatra, Dept of CSE(IoT-CSBT). We are thankful for Director Volvo Group India PVT. Ltd., Hoskote, Bengaluru for providing us knowledge and kind approval.

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