The Alumni Association of SEA College of Engineering and Technology organized " SMRITI 2023- ALUMNI MEET"- a programme to facilitate, consolidate and coordinate Alumni Activities at SEA College of Engineering. The planned objective was to interact with the alumni, planning future events, conducting Alumni Satisfaction Survey, taking Alumni Feedback etc.

Alumni Meet was held on Multi-Purpose Auditorium at 10:00am. The function was presided by . Smt. K Anupama Jt.Secretary & Treasurer, S.E.A Group of Institutions, Ms.Vinisha S.Yadav, Vice President, S.E.A Group of Institutions, Dr. Bhagavant K. Deshpande, Director, SEACET and Dr.B.Venkatanarayana, Principal, SEACET and HOD’s of respective Departments, along with the faculties and almost 100 alumni’s in total participated in this meet organized on 09th December 2022 between 10 am to 12:30 pm.

Dr.B.Venkatanarayana, Principal, SEACET delivered welcome speech to the alumni’s and then a presentation about the ongoing college activities by a placement officer. Dr. Bhagavant K. Deshpande, Director, SEACET addresses the gathering. Smt. K Anupama Jt.Secretary & Treasurer, S.E.A Group of Institutions delivered a talk to alumni’s. Alumni talked about their recent employment experiences and recalled their favorite college experiences. It was followed by cultural events by student council.

The event was stimulating and enjoyable and simultaneously profitable as all members shared their views and good number of new ideas, information and insights came up. The association is hopeful to run and successfully structure and position itself into a fully functional global platform for SEACET Alumni. This meet ensured in planning to get MoU’s between Industry-Institute to enhance and bridge the knowledge gap between academics and corporate environment.

The alumni Association sincerely expressed its gratitude to the Honorable Chairman, Secretary, CEO, Joint Secretary, Vice President, Director (Engg), Principal, Alumni coordinator for their guidance and support to make this event a grand success.

The alumni meet was concluded at 11.30pm. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks. It was given by Mrs.K.Revathi., Alumni Convener, SEACET. Feedback forms were collected from the alumni’s. Lunch was provided for the alumni’s and staff who attended the meeting.

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